Journey to Better Health Mobile Exhibit 2023

Journey to Better Health is a mobile exhibit that showcases clinical research information to local communities in a fun, interactive way. In Fall 2023, the exhibit traveled to Philadelphia, PA and Baltimore, MD advocating for the importance of participation in clinical research and the critical need for more diverse representation.

The Importance of Diversity in Clinical Trials – Video

To develop therapies and treatments for everyone, it is important that clinical trial participants come from diverse backgrounds and identities. In this video, subject matter experts, inclusive of people who have participated in trials, explain why diversity is important in clinical trials and what is being done to improve representation. In addition, the past participants share their personal trial stories and highlight potential benefits for their communities.

This video was developed with feedback from subject matter experts, patients, and community advocates involved in diversifying clinical research. They all helped to make sure the topics, language, images, and design of this video is appropriate, educational, and engaging for audiences.    

This video was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the video follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public.

Watch Spanish version here.

In Collaboration With:

Pediatric Education Series

This 4-part, live-action video series explains clinical research to children and teenagers.

Video Playlist
1/4 videos
Overview of Clinical Trials
Overview of Clinical Trials
Who’s Involved?
Who’s Involved?
How It Works and What it Means to Consent
How It Works and What it Means to Consent
Treatments in Clinical Trials
Treatments in Clinical Trials

Part 1: Overview of clinical trials

Part 2: Who is involved (research professionals, doctors, nurses, etc.)

Part 3: What it means to consent to be in a trial

Part 4: What treatments are given in clinical trials

This video is also available with Spanish subtitles here and is available in French.

These videos were developed with feedback from patients, parents, and community advocates involved in pediatric research. They all helped to make sure the topics, language, images, and design of these videos are appropriate, educational, and engaging for pediatric audiences.    

These videos were also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the videos follow ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public.  

Silver Awarded in the Category of Digital Health Media / Publications

This video series was done in collaboration with Otsuka

Journey to Better Health Mobile Exhibit 2018

Video Playlist
1/3 videos
Journey to Better Health RV
Journey to Better Health RV
Journey to Better Health Part 1
Journey to Better Health Part 1
Journey to Better Health Part 2
Journey to Better Health Part 2

A world without diverse clinical trial participation is one without life-saving medical treatments for all communities. Journey to Better Health mobile exhibit is our traveling educational exhibit with the goal to raise awareness about clinical research.

Finding Treatments Together Series

CISCRP brought several subject matter experts together to develop, design and release a 3-part, animated, live action video series that shares how new therapies are developed, the safeguards in place, how clinical trials are adapting to be more accessible in the current environment, and explains the role each person has involved in clinical research. 

Video Playlist
1/3 videos
General Clinical Research Overview
General Clinical Research Overview
Basics of Clinical Trial Participation
Basics of Clinical Trial Participation
The Clinical Research Team is similar to a Sports Team
The Clinical Research Team is similar to a Sports Team

Video Topics:

  • Overview of clinical trials and the process.
  • Safeguards in place when participating in a clinical trial.
  • How clinical trials are adapting to make them more accessible for participants.
  • Who is involved in a clinical trial
  • The important roles and purposes each person has when involved in a clinical trial
  • How is a clinical trial conducted safely and ethically

Platinum Awarded for Team Achievement in Educational Long Form Video

Silver Awarded for
Best Long Video Content

Thank You to Our Sponsors

MT Pharmacy

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CISCRP collaborated with Sanofi and Langland to develop a public service announcement showing what the world would look like without clinical trial volunteers.

Here’s a hint – empty.

What is Informed Consent? eConsent?

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Video provides a clear overview on Informed Consent and eConsent

  • Process of learning and agreeing to be in a clinical trial
  • Who to speak with and ask questions before participation
  • After giving consent, the choice to stop participating at any time for any reason
  • Understand the purpose, length, risks, benefits and what will happen during the clinical trial

Made possible by a sponsorship from Otsuka.