Medical Hero Spotlight: Dee Burlile, Scleroderma Clinical Trial Participant & Patient Advocate

Living with Scleroderma

For years, Dee Burlile struggled with various GI symptoms, joint issues, and sensitivity to cold and heat in her hands, unsure of what the cause could be. A busy mother of three young children, Dee’s health took a dramatic decline the day before Thanksgiving in 2011 when her youngest child found her having a seizure in their home and called 911. Her children’s quick thinking saved Dee from cardiac arrest, and she was stabilized in the hospital where she remained for treatment.

“I was incredibly sick, losing about 40 pounds in two months,” Dee recalls.

After leaving the hospital, Dee needed at-home nursing care to help manage her declining health. Living in Idaho with her family, Dee struggled to find a specialist who could diagnose her condition, eventually going out of state for her healthcare. In 2016, Dee made a trip to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota where she was finally diagnosed with systemic sclerosis. Systemic sclerosis or “Scleroderma” is a chronic and often progressive autoimmune disease that affects connective tissue and can cause serious damage to internal organs including the lungs, heart, kidneys, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of scleroderma can vary from person to person. For many, scleroderma causes noticeable tightening of the skin. Unfortunately, Dee’s scleroderma was causing significant damage internally to her organs. Since the beginning of her medical journey, Dee has undergone 21 surgeries, including bilateral rib removals, and four organs removed, including a colectomy to remove her colon. While some of her regular treatments have been in Idaho, Dee has had to travel for most of her surgeries and specialized scleroderma medical care, incurring financial costs.

“It’s been quite the journey not just for me, but for my entire family,” Dee says. “As a mother, there is a feeling of guilt that I can’t shield my kids from the reality of my illness. When someone in a family, especially a parent, is struggling with a disease, it can take a toll on the mental health of everyone, especially kids. They’ve seen me struggle with insurance company denials, delays in medication, and that ultimately affects all of us.”

Dee’s husband is a veteran living with his own disability. The couple work to fill in gaps for each other as best as they can, but Dee admits that the constant work needed to maintain their health, financials, and keep up with other responsibilities can be daunting at times.

Advocacy Work & Clinical Trial Participation

Since her diagnosis, Dee has connected with dozens of other patients living with scleroderma. In 2016, Dee attended her first patient education conference, where the experience sparked her interest in pursuing advocacy full-time.

“Sometimes I feel resentful for my disease because it keeps me from working. I graduated with full honors and worked as a victim witness advocate. Not being able to do that feels like a waste, and so if increasing awareness and being an advocate for scleroderma is what I can do, I will,” Dee says.

Over the years, Dee has participated in advocacy training, and gotten involved with groups like the National Scleroderma Foundation, Idaho Arthritis Walk, Arthritis Foundation, Trevor’s Trek Foundation, and Patients Rising. She has participated for several years in Advocacy Awareness Day on Capitol Hill to raise awareness with elected officials regarding health insurance, chronic illness, and scleroderma. Dee has also participated in clinical research which she believes is critical for finding medical advancements for scleroderma. In the past, she has been in several studies aimed at combatting fatigue, ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease), and other symptoms of scleroderma and has also submitted genetic data for testing. Currently, Dee is in a trial for a new medication that is going very well for her.

Despite her success with clinical research, Dee notes that over the years, only two of her doctors in the state of Idaho have shared information about clinical trials. Other research to find trials was done by Dee independently, which she explains can be difficult and overwhelming for a patient.

“I wish I had known how many clinical trials were available. I think there is a major gap in communication between physicians and patients when it comes to sharing clinical trials as a healthcare option, and it’s concerning,” Dee reflects.

Dee’s advice to someone interested in clinical research is to weigh the risks and benefits, fully understand what you are committing to, and participate only if it makes the most sense for you.

Waiting Room Entertainment

Through her advocacy work, Dee met Amy Gietzen and Demi Montgomery, other women living with scleroderma who are passionate advocates and want to make a difference in their patient community. Since then, they’ve gone on to work on various projects together, including the creation of The Waiting Room Entertainment. “We’d like to bring resources and knowledge to scleroderma patients and other patients living with chronic conditions who are trying to find out more about clinical trials, or just need a community to support them. We’ve created a social club where patients can meet and connect,” Dee explains.

Looking Ahead

Although living with scleroderma has been difficult, Dee feels incredibly lucky to have the support of her family and friends. Her community and her new connections made through advocacy work have helped lighten the burden of living with her disease and given her hope for a future with new medical advancements. “I try to be positive with my kids about my disease and my differences physically like my ostomy bag,” Dee says. “After my surgery, my daughter who wanted to understand what I was going through, made her own ostomy bag and wore it for a day. I was floored by her empathy and thoughtfulness.”

Additional Resources:
To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

For volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |

Medical Hero Spotlight: Tom Smith, Rare Disease Advocate & Patient Engagement Consultant

Living With Cystic Fibrosis

Tom Smith has never known a life without cystic fibrosis (CF), but it has not limited him or the work he does as an advocate for rare diseases. Although cystic fibrosis is a rare disease, it is one of the more common rare diseases in the UK, affecting about 1 in every 2,500 babies. Diagnosed at only six weeks old after experiencing severe breathing difficulties, Tom says that he was lucky doctors were able to identify his disease so early on so he could begin treatment.

“This was in the 1980s, when cystic fibrosis was a death sentence. The average life expectancy was only about 35 years. Things are very different today! I’m 35 years old now and expect to live a lot longer,” Tom says.

For Tom, childhood was relatively normal, and he recalls only a few instances of being hospitalized. “Until I was around 15 or 16, I felt the same as everyone else. As a teenager I became more self-conscious and wanted to fit in with my friends. I didn’t want there to be anything different about me,” Tom recalls.

Tom began putting off his daily treatments, which led to a decline in his health and more frequent visits to the hospital to stabilize his condition. Although with time, Tom’s health improved and he began prioritizing his treatments again, he still struggled with the emotional toll that can come with having CF. “Cystic fibrosis isn’t outwardly visible on most people. It was the secret that everyone knew about me, but that I never talked about. I felt like an intimate part of my identity was always being exposed,” Tom says.

Innovations in the CF Community

Over the years, the cystic fibrosis community has built up patient registries and multiple advocacy groups that have led to major advancements in treatment. “In the last 10 years, new disease modifying treatments have come on the market, including one that I have been taking because it aligns with my specific mutation of the disease,” Tom says. “It’s been incredible for me.”

For the first 2.5 years of his relationship with his wife, Tom’s morning treatments and physiotherapy appointments prevented the couple from spending a full day together. Thanks to his new medication, Tom hasn’t had to go to a physio appointment in two years and has much more energy.

“What is difficult in the CF community is that these medications don’t work for everyone. The drug I take works for most mutations but not all,” Tom explains. “There are large groups of people that are excluded and who are watching others with their disease have life-changing transformative experiences that they can’t join in on.”

In the past, Tom has applied to participate in a clinical trial, but was ineligible based on the criteria. However, he remains a major proponent of clinical research, an industry he has become very involved with, especially concerning patient engagement.

Working as a Patient Engagement Consultant

Beyond his own experience of living with a rare disease, Tom has spent much of his professional career exploring the role patients play in shaping clinical research and advancements in treatments. “Many are surprised to know that I don’t do most of my advocacy work with CF groups,” Tom says. “For my personal journey into this space, I’ve felt that only speaking and working on projects for CF is limiting in terms of my goals.”

In his early twenties, while trying to connect more with his disease, Tom found a group called Genetic Alliance Uwho advocate for many rare diseases. They were looking for people to help them create materials about genomic medicine, which Tom was interested in. “That was my first experience writing plain language materials for patients before people really knew what it was.”

From there, Tom’s connections in the world of patient engagement grew exponentially. He attended a patient’s forum training session in Vienna where he was introduced to a member of The European Health Parliament. Tom applied and joined as a committee member, where he now works to shape policies that benefit patient communities.

Since then, Tom has picked up a variety of other projects, including working as a research ethics committee member for the Health Research Authority, serving as a faculty member at the European Forum of Good Clinical Practice, and working as a consultant for sponsors, medical communications companies, and regulators.

Within the clinical trials industry, informed consent and plain language are two areas where Tom enjoys taking on projects.

“Patients still receive documents that are 8,000 words long and full of complex medical information. They have to consent to move forward with treatment, even if the average person usually can’t fully understand what the materials say. That’s why I’m passionate about the intersection between patient engagement and industry and making sure that patients have a voice within the trials being conducted for them,” Tom says.
Encouraging Advocacy

Tom describes himself as someone who is always itching for a new challenge professionally, and he encourages other people living with chronic conditions or rare diseases to consider advocacy. Tom sees patient engagement as an “ocean beneath our feet”, with the potential to bring forth new treatments quicker, save pharmaceutical companies money, and empower patient advocates to be compensated for their work.

“We’re in the shadow of hundreds of years where doctors have controlled the outcomes for patients, when so much more could be accomplished if it were more of a partnership,” Tom explains. In his own experience, Tom has noticed that many patients settle when it comes to advocacy work because they are just excited to be involved. “If you begin advocating for yourself and your community, you can change your life! Make sure you’re being fairly compensated for your time and effort.”

All patients in a disease community are important and bring unique value. For meaningful advancements to be made, all voices need to be engaged. Tom advises patients who might be interested in getting involved in advocacy to find what interests them and start there.

You don’t have to fit into any box as an advocate. If you’re not sure where you belong or where to start, just do what you enjoy.”

Additional Resources:

To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

For volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |

What is a Placebo?

If you or someone you know is considering taking part in a clinical trial, this brochure is for you. It is intended to help you understand what placebos are, and why they are used in clinical trials. We developed this brochure together with subject matter experts, patient advocates, and members of the public, to make sure the topics, language, images, and design are appropriate and engaging.

This brochure was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the brochure follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public. The alternative text and accessibility features in this brochure were added after IRB review.

Topics Include:

  • What is a Placebo?
  • Why are Placebos Used in Clinical Trials?
  • How Placebos are Used in Clinical Trials
  • Will Participants Receive a Placebo
  • Are Participants Told if They Receive a Placebo

The Importance of Diversity in Clinical Trials – Video

To develop therapies and treatments for everyone, it is important that clinical trial participants come from diverse backgrounds and identities. In this video, subject matter experts, inclusive of people who have participated in trials, explain why diversity is important in clinical trials and what is being done to improve representation. In addition, the past participants share their personal trial stories and highlight potential benefits for their communities.

This video was developed with feedback from subject matter experts, patients, and community advocates involved in diversifying clinical research. They all helped to make sure the topics, language, images, and design of this video is appropriate, educational, and engaging for audiences.    

This video was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the video follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public.

Watch Spanish version here.

In Collaboration With:

Clinical Research for People in Asian Communities

CISCRP is committed to providing clear, unbiased, and culturally appropriate educational materials to engage and inform communities that have not been well represented in clinical trials.

We developed this brochure together with members of Asian communities, as well as subject matter experts who have experience working with these communities. This included receiving feedback from 500 members of the Asian community through an anonymous survey.

They all helped make sure the topics, language, images, and design are appropriate and engaging. We also received feedback on how effective our brochure was for raising awareness about the importance of Asian participation in clinical research.

This process allowed us to confirm that we are addressing the key concerns and barriers that prevent better diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical research. This brochure was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the brochure follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public. The alternative text and accessibility features in this brochure were added after IRB review.

Topics include:

  • Why are Clinical Trials Important?
  • The Need for Diverse Participants in Clinical Trials
  • Why Asian Communities Have Not Been Represented in Clinical Trials?
  • How Asian Participants are Protected
  • Things to Consider Before Volunteering
  • Different Ways to Get Involved

Clinical Research Participation for LGBTQ+ Communities

CISCRP is committed to providing clear, unbiased, and culturally appropriate educational materials to engage and inform communities that have not been well represented in clinical trials.

Purchase Single/Quantity Brochures at our Store

We developed this brochure together with members of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as subject matter experts who have experience working with these communities. This included receiving feedback from 500 members of the LGBTQ+ community through an anonymous survey.

They all helped make sure the topics, language, images, and design are appropriate and engaging. We also received feedback on how effective our brochure was for raising awareness about the importance of LGBTQ+ participation in clinical research.

This process allowed us to confirm that we are addressing the key concerns and barriers that prevent better diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical research. This brochure was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the brochure follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public. The alternative text and accessibility features in this brochure were added after IRB review.

Topics include:

  • Why are Clinical Trials Important?
  • Why LGBTQ+ Volunteers are Needed
  • How LGBTQ+ Participants are Protected
  • Things to Consider Before Volunteering
  • Questions to Ask Before Participating in a Clinical Research Project
  • Learn More About Clinical Research

Medical Hero Spotlight: Katie Doble & Her Caregivers: Facing Ocular Melanoma

katie doble medical hero spotlight
Diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma

In 2013, Katie Doble visited her ophthalmologist after experiencing vision issues in her left eye. She was immediately referred to a retina specialist who diagnosed her with ocular melanoma. Thankfully, a full body scan revealed the cancer was nowhere else in her body. Katie underwent a week of radiation plaque therapy to treat the tumor inside her eyeball, which resulted in permanent loss of vision in that eye. During treatment, her doctors biopsied her cells and categorized her cancer as stage 1A, meaning she had less than a 2% chance of metastases. Still, it was recommended she have biannual liver ultrasounds and chest x-rays in case her cancer spread.

Two days before Thanksgiving the following year, at 32 years old, Katie’s ultrasound showed multiple tumors in her liver.

“On Thanksgiving morning, my dad flew to Denver so he could be with me the following day at the liver biopsy that would confirm my diagnosis. Nick, my boyfriend at the time, had been planning to propose to me that day and was warned by family members he might want to hold off because of my diagnosis,” Katie recalls. “I found out later that he told them my cancer changed nothing; I was still the girl he wanted to marry and support. I won the husband lottery.”

On Thanksgiving Day, Nick and Katie got engaged. The following day, a biopsy of her liver confirmed Katie’s ocular melanoma had metastasized. “This would have been a difficult diagnosis for anyone, but the news hit my family particularly hard because my mom passed away from pancreatic cancer when I was 15,” Katie says.

Starting Treatment: Clinical Trials

The oncologist who diagnosed Katie advised against clinical trials claiming they would be very expensive. The one treatment option available by the FDA would have bought Katie 16 months of life. 

“After meeting with that oncologist, my dad got on the phone with doctors across the country, looking for specialists,” Katie says. Her father, Dr. Jim Ortman, presented Katie’s case to the tumor board at his hospital and was referred by a doctor to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC, where a couple of clinical trials for ocular melanoma were taking place. In early 2015, Katie enrolled in her first clinical trial in New York for a medication called trametinib.

During her treatment, Katie’s family developed a schedule where they made sure someone was always with her for scans or appointments. “It was important to figure out how to support me without overburdening one member of the family,” Katie says. When able, Katie’s siblings attended appointments, as well as Nick and Dr. Ortman. In the five weeks she was required to stay in New York for treatment, she had nine visitors.

Six months after starting treatment, scans revealed growth and Katie was moved to the second arm of the trial, adding another drug. Additional growth in the following scan two months later eliminated Katie from the trial completely. However, the Doble family wasn’t discouraged.

“In 2014, I went from no tumors to 12 tumors in the span of six months. Taking trametinib didn’t shrink my tumors, but it did buy us more time,” Katie notes.

With cancer, it’s important as a patient and caregiver to develop a plan with your doctors for the next steps should your current treatment not be effective. While Katie was in New York, Dr. Ortman was working behind-the-scenes with her doctors to understand treatment options going forward.

After her first clinical trial, Katie was excited to get a break in treatment and worked to regain some of the 30 pounds she had lost. Shortly after returning to Denver, she enrolled in a second study at UCHealth in Colorado but was quickly removed from the trial when the side effects were too intense. It was determined the doctors would perform a targeted radioembolization on half of her liver, leaving the other half untreated as a baseline so they could see how future systemic treatments were working. A third clinical trial, also at UCHealth, was short-lived and the other half of Katie’s liver was embolized. The embolization stabilized Katie’s liver for 3.5 years.

In 2018, Katie’s treatment journey continued when she presented with stroke-like symptoms. Although never confirmed by biopsy, her doctors suspected a brain tumor. Katie underwent a Gamma Knife procedure, which was successful. Then, in 2020, Katie experienced a major recurrence with tumors in her liver.

Katie’s doctors recommended she start TIL therapy at UPMC in Pittsburgh. Although TIL therapy is seen by many as a relatively new treatment, it has been developed and improved over the last several decades. In fact, Dr. Ortman recalls that his late wife was slated to start what he believed to be an early version of TIL therapy before she passed away. Nearly 25 years later, the same treatment would save Katie’s life.

“For me, TIL therapy was incredibly effective. Within a year, nearly all my tumors had disappeared or shrunk besides one, which we jokingly named Uncle Fester as my doctor referred to it as the ‘festering problem,’” Katie recalls. In 2021, Katie had major surgery to remove ½ of her liver, including ‘Uncle Fester’. Upon waking, she was told she had No Evidence of Disease (NED).

Dr. Jim Ortman, Physician & Caregiver

Since the beginning, Katie’s father, Dr. Jim Ortman, and her husband, Nick Doble, have provided unique but equally important support. As an Internist, Dr. Ortman helped research treatment options and navigate the healthcare system. As her partner, Nick provided the emotional support and the day-to-day caregiving Katie needed during treatments.

“When Katie had her liver biopsy in Colorado, the pathologist and I looked at the black tissue and I could immediately tell it was melanoma; it was devastating,” Dr. Ortman recalls.

From her initial diagnosis, Katie’s father was doing extensive research to find the best specialists and treatment options for Katie. He advocated for her to begin participating in clinical trials and helped relay any symptoms or questions she had to her care team.

As Katie and her father navigated Western medicine for ocular melanoma together, Katie’s decision to seek out complementary treatments alongside the standard medications became a point of discussion between the two.

“I started seeing a nutritionist and taking supplements and my dad was skeptical of this type of medicine,” Katie remembers. Eventually, Dr. Ortman accompanied Katie to an appointment and the two had a positive conversation about the importance of nutrition when battling cancer. “As a cancer patient, you lose control over much of your life. My nutritionist really helped improve my relationship with food during this time. From experience, I know that chemotherapy hurts. Even if the supplements weren’t helping, they ultimately weren’t hurting me and gave me back some control over my life,” Katie says.

Nick Doble, Husband & Caregiver
Nick Doble had known of Katie’s cancer since they met in 2013. “When it metastasized to her liver, there was never a thought that we should reconsider our relationship,” Nick says. “All I knew was that I wanted to be with her and support her throughout her treatment.”

Nick admits to experiencing a learning curve when it came to understanding Katie’s diagnosis and treatment options, something most loved ones feel early on when emotions are high, and they are receiving an influx of new information. Growing up in the UK, Nick notes that he was much less familiar with clinical research and how to find a trial. “I was so grateful to Jim for the research he was doing and the knowledge he already has as someone in the medical field,” Nick remembers.

As her spouse and caregiver, Nick tried to keep Katie positive during her treatments and provide what she needed most on any given day, whether that was listening, giving her space, or providing a distraction (like the time he caved when she pulled the cancer card to get a dog). During TIL therapy, Katie and Nick branded themselves “the increDOBLES.”

“There were a lot of difficult discussions Nick and I were having that couples our age don’t have to think about, including end of life care and wills,” Katie says. Katie chose to appoint both Nick and Dr. Ortman as her power of attorney so the burden would not fall on one person alone.

As a caregiver, Nick advises others in positions like his to make sure to balance your own wellness and mental health to support your loved one. “For me, exercise has been a great outlet and form of self-care,” Nick says. “It’s so important to find support whether that’s by therapy or talking to others.”

Advocacy Work & Advice

Katie was a recipient of the 2017 Courage Award at the Melanoma Research Foundation’s Wings of Hope Gala where she had her first public speaking engagement discussing her cancer. The experience motivated Katie to share her story and begin participating in other advocacy projects. Dr. Ortman and Katie shared the father/daughter – doctor/patient perspective at the Colorado Cancer Coalition in 2019. In 2021, Katie received the Outliving It Award from First Descents, a non-profit that provides the healing power of adventures to young adults and caregivers facing cancer and MS.

“I know my cancer journey is a story of hope, which I’m grateful for, but it also comes with a lot of wisdom and knowledge I can share with others because of my dad,” Katie says. “Without him and Nick, I wouldn’t be here today.”

When it comes to sharing advice about getting involved in clinical trials and navigating treatment, Katie and Dr. Ortman have a wealth of information from their experiences.

“I believe in the importance of getting a second opinion and always having a Plan B when it comes to treatment,” Katie shares. “There is no room for ego from doctors when a patient is fighting for their life, it’s not personal. If it weren’t for the second opinion I got, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Dr. Ortman advises patients who may be interested in joining a clinical trial to speak with their care team or oncologist to see if they are eligible or if they have any recommendations.

Additional Resources:

To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

For volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |

Medical Hero Spotlight: Allison Kuban, Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trial Participant

allison kuban medical hero spotlight
Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

In 2017, Allison Kuban had just returned from a week-long trip to France with her boyfriend when she started experiencing intense stomach pain, fatigue, and rapid weight loss.

After seeing several doctors, Allison was awaiting test results when her stomach pain became so severe that she went to the ER to be seen immediately. Doctors at the hospital initially suspected she had a form of endocrine cancer but weren’t sure. Two days later, on her 31st birthday, Allison found out she had Pancreatic cancer. 

Allison sought out a second opinion who confirmed this diagnosis and determined her cancer was stage-4, since it had metastasized to her liver. She began a regimen of chemotherapy immediately, going for treatment every two weeks that she received through a port in her chest. Allison stayed on chemo for seven months, struggling with the side effects from the drugs, which left her drained physically and too sick to continue.

“Chemo was keeping everything stable, but the side effects were so severe,” Allison says. “I realized the chemo might actually kill me before the cancer did. I wanted a higher quality of life instead of just trying to extend it. I was willing to try anything.”
Finding a Clinical Trial

One of Allison’s doctors suggested sending a biopsy of her tumor to a lab for genetic testing. If the tests could find the genetic mutation that was causing her cancer, Allison could then be matched with the right medication to target the mutation. During this time, Allison continued with her chemo treatments.

Luckily, Allison’s testing identified her specific genetic mutation. By fate, a relative of Allison’s was at a seminar for pancreatic cancer and met a doctor who knew of an opening in a trial for her mutation at MD Anderson.

“Treatment totally changed for me in a matter of days,” Allison recalls. “I had been on infusions, which were switched to two pills in the morning and two pills at night. After three months, I did a staging scan and my tumors had shrunk by 38%. As of today, they have shrunk over 70%.”

Allison started the clinical trial in 2018 and has remained on it for five years. She visits MD Anderson for regular bloodwork and scans to monitor her cancer. Although she lives about an hour away from the hospital, the pharmaceutical company running the clinical trial reimburses all her travel expenses.

“I didn’t think much about cancer before my diagnosis and knew nothing about clinical trials. At the time, I was so sick that I leaned on my caregivers for help researching and finding resources. If anything, caregivers for patients are the ones who should be made familiar with clinical research and the different treatments available. When you’re the actual patient, you just want to get through it and keep yourself alive,” Allison says.

In reflection, Allison wishes she had known about clinical trials when she was first diagnosed. “I likely would not have opted to do chemo if I knew there was an alternative option for me. Without my doctor, I likely wouldn’t have even done the genetic testing. Now, I tell everyone I know about it.”

Advocacy Work & Advice

After her initial diagnosis, Allison began getting involved with support groups through her hospital and other pancreatic cancer organizations. As an advocate for pancreatic cancer, she has also recently published a book about her experience and treatment, Like A Needle In A Haystack: My Survival from Stage-4 Pancreatic Cancer.

To other patients considering a clinical trial, Allison advises them to stay positive, and keep searching for a trial that is the right fit for them. Even if a study you participate in doesn’t work, your data is helping advance research to fight and cure diseases. “The traditional form of treatment with stage-4 cancer is chemotherapy, and doctors often don’t advise taking risks since you don’t have a lot of time,” Allison says. “For me that risk was worth it, and it could be for you too.”

Additional Resources:
Read Allison’s book, available on Amazon here.

To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

For volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |

Medical Hero Spotlight: Amy Gietzen, Scleroderma Patient Advocate

Scleroderma Symptoms

Amy Gietzen was 19 years old and in her second semester of nursing school at Trocaire College as a dietary supervisor when she started experiencing stiffness, swollen joints in her fingers and wrist, and sensitivity to cold and heat. Concerned, she underwent testing at her doctor’s office, which revealed she had systemic scleroderma, a rare degenerative autoimmune disease. “At that time, I had no idea what scleroderma was or even how to spell it,” Amy recalls. “I tried looking for more information online and resources were limited. My doctor told me to begin getting my affairs in order, this disease kills.”

Amy was devastated by her diagnosis and frustrated by the lack of care options in her city, which had no scleroderma specialists. Her doctors in Buffalo, NY, were only able to monitor her symptoms, which were progressing steadily. Amy started experiencing pulmonary fibrosis, Raynaud’s disease in her hands, trouble swallowing, and other complications.

“I wanted to be more proactive in my treatment, so I did some research and found a specialist in Pittsburgh, PA,” Amy says. “I felt so relieved and excited at my first appointment when everyone there knew about scleroderma and were incredibly informative and helpful.” Amy has been working closely with her care team in Pittsburgh ever since.

Starting Treatment

Researchers are still unsure what causes scleroderma to manifest, and there is no treatment that can cure or stop the overproduction of collagen that is characteristic of scleroderma. The condition affects the skin, vascular system, capillaries, blood vessels, and other organs like the heart and lungs. Each person living with scleroderma is affected differently, which makes it difficult to designate a standard of care treatment for all patients.

“When I was diagnosed 20 years ago, there was one medication that they gave everyone with scleroderma because there was evidence that it did help symptoms for some patients,” Amy says. “I was on that treatment for about 10 years before it became ineffective for me. Today, there are new medications and treatments for other comorbidities.”

After stopping the first treatment, Amy tried a form of chemotherapy that, for a time, helped improve her skin elasticity and her breathing issues. She then stayed on a treatment that was administered monthly by IV for seven years. Today, Amy takes a biologic medication which has helped increase her flexibility and mobility. Through these treatments, symptoms of scleroderma that affect Amy’s skin have remained under control. With her care team in Pittsburgh and her rheumatologist in Buffalo, Amy has been able to coordinate treatment plans that can be done at home.

Advocacy Work & Clinical Research Participation

Amy’s advocacy work began with her own independent research for resources. On Facebook and Myspace, she found other patients and support groups on the local and national level. She began attending meetings, but soon felt isolated when she realized there was no programming geared towards young adults with scleroderma. This experience inspired Amy to start her own Facebook group, Scleroderma Superstarz. “After starting the group online, I started accepting speaking engagements and talking about my journey with others. Through the National Scleroderma Foundation, I started the young adult virtual group, SYNC,” Amy shares.

SYNC meets every other month via Zoom and is designed for patients ages 18-40, with young adult panel sessions that focus on relevant topics like dating, working, and navigating social gathering with scleroderma. “I’ve recently handed the program over to two younger leaders, but I’m very proud of my work with the program,” Amy says.

Amy is passionate about clinical research and does what she can to participate. “At this point in my disease, I am not eligible for most clinical trials. I have applied for several but was not accepted because I’ve been living with scleroderma for so long,” Amy notes. “I do think it’s important that patients participate in clinical research when they can, but they should also understand what they participate in.”

Despite her ineligibility for clinical trials that involve medications, Amy has submitted x-rays of her lungs, as well as blood and urine samples for research. Amy is an advocate for finding an easier way to disseminate research results so patients have access and can understand them. In addition to her advocacy work, Amy completes research surveys detailing her disease symptoms, joins focus groups for research organizations, and serves on several patient advisory boards to help make clinical research more accessible to patients.

Amy also shares from her learned experience the importance of improving communication between patients and research teams during a clinical trial. “Patients need more opportunities to communicate their experiences and ask questions to those who are developing and conducting the study.”

“One of my greatest accomplishments as an advocate has been my work with the Steffens Scleroderma Foundation in Albany, NY,” Amy shares. For the last five years, Amy has served as a keynote speaker at an educational event where medical students from partnering colleges attend and meet scleroderma patients. This event teaches students how to practice collaborative care and gives upcoming healthcare professionals first-hand knowledge of scleroderma, something critically needed for improving the diagnosis and treatment of scleroderma patients.

“One of the biggest challenges the scleroderma community faces is building awareness and making it a household name. If we could get the notoriety that other diseases have, that would be a big help for research funding.”
The Waiting Room Entertainment Group

A current initiative Amy is working on is the formation of a group with other advocates in the scleroderma community, with the aim to share resources and bridge gaps currently existing for scleroderma patients. Alongside her co-founders, Amy has helped bring The Waiting Room Entertainment to life. The group has launched several initiatives, including a YouTube channel that interviews other organizations that provide disease-specific resources and answers complex questions patients may be facing like how to fill out adult disability forms, how to transition from pediatric to adult care, or how to advocate to your doctors. Additionally, Amy and the other co-founders have started a social club where patients can meet, connect, and network with each other. Jacob’s Hugs, another service the Waiting Room Entertainment provides, was coined after a close friend and prominent advocate in the scleroderma community passed away. The Waiting Room Entertainment developed a registry where patients can list two next of kin contacts who can then notify the group if a patient’s medical status changes or they pass away so the community can mourn and honor their life. “It’s a community-based end-of-life service where we work to honor scleroderma patients,” Amy says. Newly founded, The Waiting Room Entertainment has various initiatives planned to keep an eye on.

The Future of Healthcare

In years to come, Amy hopes to see major changes in the healthcare industry that will improve outcomes for patients living with rare diseases like herself. Better access to care, diversified healthcare services, clinical trial program improvements, and potential cures for rare diseases like scleroderma are all a possibility.

“The medical universe is vast and complex with moving parts of all shapes and sizes. The one thing that is constant is that without clinical trials and the participation of patients, proper treatments for diseases would be nonexistent,” Amy reflects. “Building a bridge to oversee both is the way to achieve success, and brick by brick we are laying the foundation for a solid pathway to medical breakthroughs!”

Additional Resources:
Amy’s Instagram: @sclerostarz

To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

For volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |

Medical Hero Spotlight: Shira Kaplan-Walker, Lupus Patient Advocate

Finding a Diagnosis

The night before the birth of her third child, Shira remembers feeling like something was not right. The epidural she received in the hospital didn’t relieve the pain as they had in her previous births. After the birth, Shira suffered from horrible headaches and was so fatigued that she couldn’t move her head off the pillow. “I realize now I was experiencing a lupus flare but didn’t know it at the time.”

Shira visited the ER several days after leaving the hospital, assuming her headaches were caused by the epidural. Doctors in the ER were skeptical of her symptoms, making Shira feel isolated and confused. For the next 2.5 years, Shira went to many specialists trying to get answers for her condition. She recalls feeling like “It was a living hell”. Reflecting on her experience, Shira believes that there were so many missed opportunities to be diagnosed earlier. “If I had been treated sooner, there would have been far less damage to my body. It’s incredibly frustrating.”

Shira’s various symptoms included numbing in both of her hands below the wrist, random shooting aches and pains, extreme fatigue, headaches, and her face swelling. She had to cope with managing these symptoms while struggling to find the necessary medical treatment.

 “Lupus can cause ‘brain fog’ and it is very hard to navigate the healthcare system while in the middle of an intense flare-up unable to think straight. Being in so much pain and having doctors not believe me at every appointment made me start to question if my symptoms were in my own head.” Shira started seeing a psychiatrist after being led to believe that her symptoms were psychosomatic.

As months past, Shira’s symptoms continued to increase, and her health continued to decline. On Thanksgiving, two years after her son was born, Shira was so drained she could barely make it up the stairs in her parent’s home and had no appetite for the food that she had waited all year to enjoy. On December 3, 2013, Shira’s symptoms came to a head. “I walked my daughter to her school carpool and came back inside feeling awful and not breathing well. The last thing I remember is getting into an ambulance.”

Shira spent 10 days in the ICU and over a month in the hospital. Her kidneys had shut down and doctors made the decision to intubate her. When she woke up, Shira’s mother and her care team told her they believed she had lupus. “That moment was such a relief for me. I finally had answers and my doctors finally believed me.”

Living With Lupus

Shira began treatment for lupus while in the hospital. She was started on a high dose of steroids, an immunosuppressant, and other medications to treat her lupus flare. Shira was seeing many doctors including a Rheumatologist, Nephrologist, Hematologist, Gastroenterologist and Neurologist. She continued her treatment in an acute rehab and then sub-acute rehab facility for a month where she had to regain her strength and relearn skills she had lost during her hospital stay, like walking and other physical activities. This was a difficult experience for her family, including her children who at that time were 2.5, 5, and 7 years old. 

“We needed a lot of help to ensure my children would be able to maintain their daily routines and function physically and emotionally during my treatments. I’m so lucky I had such a strong support system and the encouragement of my family and community during this difficult time.”

After being released from rehab, Shira began readjusting to her daily life while living with lupus. She continued to see Dr. Anca Askanase, the head of the Lupus Center at Columbia Presbyterian and her attending doctor from when she had been hospitalized. She spent the next year attending doctors appointments, outpatient occupational and physical therapy, and trying to find the right combination of medications to keep her symptoms under control. Since her diagnosis, Shira has faced additional complications and hospitalizations. In 2017, Shira was hospitalized for a week with a medication-induced liver injury, which was incredibly unusual considering the combination of medications she was taking. Out of an abundance of caution, her doctor switched her immunosuppressant to avoid further damage to her liver. In 2018, she was again hospitalized when she suffered a seizure and her husband found her unresponsive. Doctors added a seizure medication to her regimen. Over the next year, Shira tried three different seizure medications until finding the right one. At the same time, she began suffering from neurocognitive deficits far beyond her typical lupus brain fog. “I couldn’t understand what people were saying to me anymore, it was scary. I knew I had to advocate for myself because I knew something wasn’t right.” Shira recalls. After requesting to switch her immunosuppressant back to her original medication, her neurocognitive difficulties improved significantly within two weeks. Since her diagnosis, Shira has endured many tests and procedures including a kidney biopsy, two liver biopsies, a spinal tap, EEGs, and numerous MRIs and CT scans.

Shira feels incredibly blessed to have Dr. Anca Askanase as her rheumatologist who trusts that Shira knows her body best and spends time addressing whatever health issues arise.

Drawn to Advocacy

Shira chose to use her experience to become an advocate for lupus patients. “I grew up in a family of activists and attended many political and social protests and rallies. Becoming a lupus advocate was natural for me,” Shira says. She started her advocacy work after seeing a Facebook ad for a lupus summit in Washington D.C. Her experience at this summit was positive, allowing her the opportunity to speak with other lupus patients, share their daily struggles, support each other, and meet with elected officials.

After the summit, Shira became a community ambassador for lupus. She has been invited to multiple speaking engagements and has attended three advocacy conferences. In 2016, she became an annual speaker at Columbia Medical School for second-year medical students.

Clinical Trial Participation

From the very beginning, Shira’s doctors asked if she would be interested in participating in some ongoing clinical research studies related to lupus. These studies involved submitting bloodwork and filling out questionnaires about her health. In more recent years, Shira became more involved in clinical trials. “My doctor recommended I participate in an ongoing trial that was testing whether stimulation of the vagus nerve would reduce the inflammation in the body of someone with lupus. After asking questions and discussing it with my doctor and family, I agreed.” Since her first clinical trial, Shira has participated in several other studies, having very positive experiences with the care team in each study.


Shira was able to combine her passion for clinical research with her advocacy work when she joined PALS as an advocate. PALS is a patient-to-patient educational program that shares information about clinical trials and how to make an informed decision before deciding to participate in one. Along with other patients, Shira was trained by five leading rheumatologists in the field of lupus about the disease, how to answer common questions, and all aspects of the clinical trial process.

“It’s incredible being a part of this group and learning just how many clinical trials and organizations are working to save the lives of people like me.”

When it comes to participation in clinical trials, Shira is motivated to further promote the discovery of new medications and therapies for people living with lupus. She sums up her belief in self-advocacy and working to achieve better medicine for all with a quote from her faith that has guided her throughout her medical journey:

‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?’
– Rabbi Hillel

Additional Resources:

To search for medical conditions in a specific location, visit our Search Clinical Trials page.

To stay informed about clinical trials, visit our Resources page.

Volunteer opportunities with CISCRP, visit our Volunteer page.

Written by Lindsey Elliott, Marketing & Communications Manager, CISCRP |