The Clinical Trials Supplement features a variety of informative and timely articles about clinical research. This supplement covers the recognition of ‘Medical Heroes’ who contribute to public health through their extraordinary gift of clinical trial participation, insights on how Biogen’s community advisory board is helping Biogen promote diversity in clinical research, an article addressing barriers to clinical trial enrollment, and insights on the importance of telehealth for Rare Diseases.
This supplement also features an inspiring spotlight cover story and interview with Donald MacIntosh, an attorney with Alzheimer’s disease sharing his clinical trial journey.
To participate in this campaign or an upcoming media campaign, please contact Matt Steele |
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Disease Brochure
Expanded Registry Flyer (English)
Enfermedad de Alzheimer de herencia dominante
Expanded Registry Flyer (Spanish)
Forgetting the Little Things
Concerned About Memory Loss?
Click on the resources listed below to view the full versions of LCI’s materials.