Deciding whether to enroll your child in a clinical trial can be complicated. CISCRP is dedicated to helping people of all backgrounds and experiences navigate these decisions for themselves and their families. We created this brochure to guide parents and guardians of potential participants through that decision-making process.

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Topics include:
- What are pediatric clinical trials?
- How your child is protected
- Potential risks and benefits
- Questions to ask a healthcare professional
- Questions to ask your child
- Deciding if participation is right for your child
- What should you do next?
- Where to find more information
About the brochure:
We developed this brochure with feedback from members of the public, as well as experts in child and adolescent health. They all helped make sure the topics, language, images, and design are appropriate and engaging.
This brochure includes information and questions you can ask to help you and your child understand what being in a trial might mean for you. This includes questions to ask your child or dependent, healthcare professionals, friends, family, and even questions to ask of themselves. It also explains the importance of making an informed decision.
This brochure was also reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is also known as an independent ethics committee. The IRB review ensures the brochure follows ethical guidelines for providing information about clinical research to patients and the public.