Unblinding Communications
Inform trial participants about their individual treatment assignment to build trust through transparency.
We create, populate, and provide unblinding communications to trial sites for distribution to participants.

The Problem
Participants want personalized information.
A CISCRP survey showed that patients were interested in receiving a summary of their individual trial results (64%) and knowing if they had been given a placebo (52%)1.
of participants want to know their individual trial results
CISCRP's Solution
Fulfill another critically unmet ethical imperative by letting each trial participant know of their treatment assignment(s) once the trial is completed.
Develop a study-specific template or a globally applicable standardized approach that enables study teams to easily implement this communication and build trust with your patient population.
Unblinding Communications provide trial participants with:
- Individual treatment assignment(s)
- General information about the study, such as study identifiers and start and end dates
- Educational information about blinding and why it is used in trials
- 2019 CISCRP P&I Study, n=3,654 | Base: Those who have participated in a clinical trial